2017 I-MELT (Indonesia-Malaysia English Language Teaching)
The 2017 I-MELT (Indonesia-Malaysia English Language Teaching) Confererence is the first largescale collaboration between Indonesia and Malaysia in the field of English Language Teaching. Uin Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and Universiti Putra Malaysia will take turns in organizing this conference. UIN Jakarta will host the I-MELT conference for the first time in 2017, while Universiti Putra Malaysia will host in 2018. The theme for 2017 conferece in Jakarta is “Breaking Borders, Enriching ELT Experiences” The objectives of the conference ths year are: · To engage practitioner an researchers in the field of ELT in discussion on issues in ELT · To encourage greater regional co-operation in research and the dissemination of research findings · To encourage publication of findings in impact-factor journals The time...