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Dozens of RI pilgrims still missing in Saudi Arabia
Tama Salim, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Sun, October 04 2015, 2:39 PM

At least 34 Indonesian pilgrims are still unaccounted for nine days after the tragic stampede that took place during IdulAdha (the Islamic Day of Sacrifice) in Mina, Saudi Arabia.

The Indonesian haj committee (PPIH) in Saudi Arabia announced on Saturday that the death toll of Indonesians from the Mina stampede rose to 95 as per the latest identification report. 

“As of 8 a.m., we have identified four additional Indonesian victims in the tragedy,” head of PPIH’s Mecca working area, ArsyadHidayat, said on Saturday.

The four Indonesians confirmed dead on Saturday were Muhammad HuardiSukri and Halijah Abu Hanifah from batch BTH 14, as well as AlipudinSawirjaKaco and AsepUkanda Yaya Sonjaya from batch JKS 61.

With four more deaths confirmed, Arsyad said that 34 Indonesian pilgrims had yet to report back to their groups’ tents in the aftermath of the tragedy. “Six pilgrims who sustained injuries are currently undergoing medical treatment in Saudi hospitals,” he added.

The fatal stampede took place at a crossroads on Street 204 — one of the two main arteries leading through the camp at Mina to Jamarat, the site where pilgrims ritually stone the devil (jumrah) by hurling pebbles at three large pillars.

An Associated Press count based on official figures from countries around the world revealed that the stampede was likely to have killed more than a thousand people and injured hundreds more, making it the deadliest haj-related incident in 25 years. A similar incident in a pedestrian tunnel in 1990 claimed the lives of 1,426 pilgrims.

The Saudi government has not published an official account of the stampede, as officials are continuing their search and rescue operation in addition to identifying the row of bodies left in the wake of the incident.

Indonesian Religious Affairs Ministry spokesperson RosidinKaridi told The Jakarta Post on Saturday that officials would not be able to determine the cause of the incident, nor would it be able to conclude the reason why many Indonesians were victims. Rosidin said that it depended on the results from the Saudi government’s investigations.

Earlier, Rosidin said there should have been no Indonesian pilgrims in the vicinity of the stampede, as haj officials had repeatedly warned against straying from the activity schedules set for each batch of pilgrims.

“It is true that there should not have been any Indonesian pilgrims there at that time of the day. And yes, we have repeatedly reminded all pilgrims through their respective batches and group leaders to observe the jumrah according to the set schedules and routes,” he said on Friday.

The spokesman also dismissed rumors that a number of pilgrims had experienced an onset of amnesia due to poisonous gas leaks caused by the stampede.

“A number of survivors that the [religious affairs] minister met with had not shown any such signs. The minister even spoke with doctors who denied finding any symptoms,” Rosidin said.

Indonesia sends the largest number of pilgrims to Saudi Arabia annually, with as many as 168,200 people observing the haj this year.

Forest fires continue to expand in Mount Merbabu, Sigi
GanugNugrohoAdi, The Jakarta Post, Boyolali, Central Java | Archipelago | Tue, October 06 2015, 3:01 PM

Firefighter teams have not yet been able to extinguish fires that have raged across forests on the slope of Mount Merbabu in Boyolali regency, Central Java, and Sigi regency, Central Sulawesi.

The fire that has been burning in Mt Merbabu for over a week had even expanded to local people’s agricultural fields in Ngagrong area, Ampel district, Boyolali, as of Monday this week. 

“We have been deploying around 160 to 200 volunteers every day, excluding local people, soldiers and police personnel, but the fire is still big, and has spread to 12 locations,” Boyolali Disaster Mitigation Agency’s (BPBD) SAR commander KurniawanFajarPrasetyo said on Monday.

He said the fire spread to the forest to the north of Ganduman hamlet in Sampetansubdistrict, Ampel, burning down some 45 hectares of fields. The fire, according to Kurniawan, initially began in the grass area and bushes on the peak of Merbabu and later expanded and eventually burned protected forest areas. 

The volunteers, he added, had tried to block the fire, but failed due to difficulties accessing the field and strong winds.

Separately, SAR deputy chairman BakatSetiawan said that there were concerns the fire had damaged the 2.5-kilometer clean water pipeline that took water from a spring on the slope of the volcano and was the main source of clean water for local people.

The fire is the third and so far the biggest to hit the Mount Merbabu area during this year’s dry season.

Head of the Merbabu forest fire mitigation post, Capt. JokoPriyanto who is also Ampel military rayon commander, said that the joint force would continue their efforts to extinguish the fire.

“The firefighter team has over 500 members. They take turns going to the fire sites every day to try to extinguish them,” said Joko, adding that the fire was still burning in a number of spots including in forests in Sampetan, Candisari and Ngargolokosubdistricts.

Joko said the areas affected by the fires were located between 2,000 and 2,500 meters above sea level, and that the mountainous terrain had hampered the team’s efforts to extinguish the fire. He said it took some six hours for the team to reach the fire locations.

Meanwhile, in Sigi regency, local military personnel and residents also joined firefighters to help battle local blazes. 

“The Lore-Lindu National Park (TNLL) management and local people have since Friday joined together to extinguish the fire, but the blaze has continued to expand as the fire is in a location that is difficult to access,” head of TNLL Center’s conservation technique division, Ahmad Yani, said as quoted by Antara in Palu on Monday.

He said the center had deployed three joint teams so far, but the fire fighting was still being conducted manually using traditional equipment. 

Quoting reports, Yani said that the fires affected forests in Dongi-Dongi, Togoa, Kamarora and LembanTongoa villages in Sigi regency. Of them, Kamarora in Nokilalaki district was among the worst affected.
“Hopefully there will be rain in the region within the next few days that will extinguish the fire,” he said.

Local activist criminalized for uploading alleged bribery video
Hasyim Widhiarto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Archipelago | Mon, October 05 2015, 3:07 PM

Defying public pressure, the North Maluku Police have reiterated that they will continue their investigation into alleged defamation by a local activist who uploaded to YouTube a video showing a Ternate Police officer accepting money from a traffic violator.

North Maluku Police chief Brig. Gen. Zulkarnain said that although the police had released the suspect, identified as AdlunFiqri, a student at Ternate-based Khairun University (Unkhair) in Ternate, the legal process regarding the case was ongoing.

“After I watched the video, I saw that it Adlun’s act was improper conduct. There was no bribery. The police officer just ticketed the motorist,” Zulkarnain said over the weekend as quoted by Antara news agency.

Last week, the Ternate Police arrested Adlun for allegedly violating Article 27, point 3, of the 2008 Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) Law on online defamation, which carries a maximum sentence of six years in prison, after he uploaded a video showing a Ternate traffic police officer accepting Rp 115,000 (US$7.80) from a motorcyclist who was not wearing a helmet.

The 30-minute video, uploaded on Sept. 26, defamed both the officer and the police force, according to Ternate Police crime investigators. 

Adlun also reportedly removed the video from YouTube at the police’s request.Adlun’s arrest quickly sparked public anger after activists and netizens jointly launched an online campaign to demand his release. 

Adlun, who is also a member of the North Maluku branch of the Alliance of Indigenous Peoples (AMAN), was finally released on Saturday morning from police custody. 

Zulkarnain, however, insisted that the traffic police officer, who has filed a police report against Adlun, had followed standard operational procedure by accepting payment of the fine from the traffic violator before handing it over to the court. 

Traffic violators, according to Zulkarnain, can pay a fine through Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) or can hand it over to traffic police officers under certain circumstances. 

The dean of Unkhair’s School of Law, Syawal Abdul Ajid, however, strongly questioned Zulkarnain’s argument. Syawal said there was no article in the 2009 Traffic Law stipulating that on-duty police officers may personally accept fines paid by traffic violators. 

“The law says that fines must be paid directly to court,” he said.

Adlun’s lawyer, Maharani Carolina, meanwhile, said that the video was authentic.
“The video was not doctored,” she said.

Speaking to The Jakarta Post on Sunday, AMAN North Maluku branch head MunadiKilkoda, who visited Adlun in police custody before his release, claimed that Adlun had been subjected to violence during interrogation. 

“Adlun said he had been kicked in the hip, punched in the arms and in the back of the head,” he said. 

Munadi has also called on North Maluku Police chief to ask the traffic police officer in the dispute to withdraw his police report and instruct the Ternate Police to close the case. 

Rights groups have repeatedly called on the government to amend the ITE Law, arguing that it could easily be used by authorities to infringe on people’s right to free speech. 

Aviastar plane still missing, 
10 feared dead
Andi Hajramurni, The Jakarta Post, Makassar | Headlines | Sun, October 04 2015, 3:00 PM

Indonesian authorities on Saturday said they were still unable to locate the Aviastar plane that has been declared missing in South Sulawesi since Friday despite massive search and rescue efforts carried out during the first 24 hours after the incident.

National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) chiefBambangSoelistyo said a joint SAR team comprising more than 125 people had been deployed on Saturday morning to conduct both air and ground searches. The efforts, however, failed to obtain any significant leads as of Saturday evening. 

“We have failed in our search [mission]. Up to now, [we] have yet to find the approximate location where the Aviastar airplane crashed,” Bambang said.

On Friday, a DHC-6 Twin Otter light aircraft, operated by the country’s Aviastar airline, reportedly lost contact during a flight from Masamba, South Sulawesi, to the provincial capital of Makassar.

The Aviastar PK-BRM airplane, which was carrying 10 people on board, left Masamba’s Andi Djemma Airport at 2:25 p.m. local time and was scheduled to arrive in Makassar’s Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport at 3:39 p.m.

The 34-year-old Canadian-made airplane reportedly made its last contact with Andi Djemma Airport 11 minutes after take off when it was flying at 8,000 feet, not 800 feet as reported earlier.

The airplane was finally declared missing at 4:30 p.m. 

Apart from pilot IriAfriadi, co-pilot Yudhistira and engineer Sukris, five adult passengers, identified as Nurul Fatimah, Lisa Falentin, Riza Arman, SakhiArqam, Muhammad Natsir, and Nurul’s two babies, Afif and Raya, were also on board the missing aircraft. 

The SAR team, according to Bambang, also failed to detect a signal from the aircraft’s emergency locator transmitter (ELT) device on Saturday.
 “We have also asked neighboring countries to assist, but the ELT signal has remained undetected,” he said. 

Basarnas training and operation director Ivan Ahmad Titus said an Indonesian Army helicopter and two Aviastar airplanes had been deployed to support Saturday’s search mission.

The families of the missing passengers, meanwhile, expressed hope that all people on board the aircraft would be found alive.

“We are still waiting and hoping that the SAR team will immediately locate the aircraft and that our dad is alive,” said Ahmad Afriadi, whose father, Muhammad Natsir, was among the 10 people in the aircraft. 

Natsir, the head of the Seko pioneer airport in North Luwu, was heading to Makassar on Friday to catch another flight to Jakarta. 

“He was supposed to attend a meeting in Jakarta today [Saturday],” Ahmad said. 

Despite the ongoing search mission, South Sulawesi Police’s Disaster Victims Identification (DVI) team had asked family members to share physical descriptions of the missing passengers and their DNA samples to help the unit run ante-mortem identification. 

Aviastar is the only airline serving the Masamba-Makassar route, offering two flights per week on Friday and Saturday. 

Aviastar owner SugengTriyono, meanwhile, said that the missing airplane was airworthy.

“The plane was made in 1981, the engine is still okay. Last week, I also used the plane,” he said on Friday, as quoted by kompas.com.

Israel bars Palestinians from Jerusalem's Old City 
Daniel Estrin, Associated Press, Jerusalem | World | Sun, October 04 2015, 2:56 PM

Israeli police took the unprecedented step of preventing Palestinian residents of Jerusalem from entering the walled Old City on Sunday after two Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israelis.
A Palestinian teenager stabbed and wounded a 15-year-old Israeli before dawn Sunday before being shot dead by police, Israeli police said. The attack came hours after a Palestinian teenager fatally stabbed two Israelis in Jerusalem's Old City and wounded a woman and a toddler, before he was shot dead by an Israeli police officer.
Tensions have soared over access to a sensitive holy site within the Old City that is sacred to Jews and Muslims. Israeli police and Palestinian demonstrators have clashed repeatedly at the hilltop compound in recent weeks, and the unrest has spread to the West Bank, where clashes erupted Sunday during an Israeli arrest raid.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would meet with security officials Sunday to decide upon a "harsh offensive on Palestinian Islamic terror," according to a statement on his Facebook page. "We are in an all-out war against terror," Netanyahu said in the post.
Relatives of the teen behind Sunday's attack identified him as FadiAlloun, 19, from Arab East Jerusalem. Yesterday, he wrote on his Facebook page: "Either martyrdom or victory."
Israeli police said they are preventing Palestinian residents of east Jerusalem from entering the Old City for two days during a Jewish holiday to prevent violence. Palestinians who live, work and study within the Old City, as well as Israelis and tourists, will be allowed in.
Some 300,000 Palestinians live in Jerusalem, making up about a third of the city's population. They live in the predominantly Arab eastern district and have residency status in the city, but do not hold Israeli citizenship. They are usually free to enter the Old City in east Jerusalem, where major Muslim, Christian and Jewish holy sites are located.
"The regulations implemented are definitely necessary in order to deal with the recent terrorist attacks," Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.
In the West Bank, Israeli troops shot and wounded at least 18 Palestinians in violence during an arrest raid in the Jenin refugee camp, a Palestinian hospital director said. The refugee camp was the scene of some of the fiercest fighting of the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, in the early 2000s, but has been mostly calm over the last several years.
MontherIrshaid, director of the Khalil Suliman Hospital in Jenin, said the Palestinians were shot in the legs with live bullets and two suffered serious leg injuries.
The clashes broke out as troops surrounded the home of a Palestinian suspect. Eyewitnesses said Israeli troops fired a "small missile" at the house to force the suspect out. The Israeli military said a few dozen Palestinians attacked troops with pipe bombs and that troops responded with "riot dispersal means."
Troops arrested two Palestinians suspected of "terror activity." One armed suspect barricaded himself inside a building and a fire broke out during the arrest, the army said without elaborating. The army said troops found explosive devices inside.


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