Debate Competition
1. Peserta adalah Tim perwakilan  dari masing-masing SMA di wilayah Jabodetabek
2. Empat tim terbaik dari tiap babak penyisihan akan masuk final 
3. Pemenang lomba terdiri dari juara I dan II serta penobatan the best speaker
4. Setiap tim terdiri dari 3 siswa/siswi atau campuran.
5. Peserta wajib mengikuti Technical Meeting.
6. Peserta yang tidak mengikuti technical meeting dianggap telah menyetujui semua keputusan pada saat technical meeting.
7. Data peserta dapat diserahkan  pada saat pelaksanaan technical meeting.
8. Pada hari perlombaan, peserta/guru pendamping  harus melakukan regitrasi paling lambat 30 menit sebelum lomba dimulai.
9. Peserta wajib mengikuti ketentuan yang telah ditentukan panitia selama mengikuti lomba.
10. Setiap peserta wajib saling menghormati dan  menjaga ketertiban serta kebersihan selama acara berlangsung.
11. Apabila ada pergantian peserta yang sudah terdaftar, maka pihak sekolah harus menghubungi pihak panitia dengan batas waktu technical meeting dilaksanakan. 

1. Panitia menggunakan sistem lomba Asian Parliamentary Debate
2. Urutan tampil debate sesuai undian pada saat technical meeting dengan sistem gugur.
3. Tim Affirmative/Negative ditentukan dengan undian pada hari perlombaan berlangsung 
4. Untuk babak penyisihan, motion diberitahukan sebelumnya, sedangkan untuk babak final; motion ditentukan oleh dewan juri atau panitia dan tidak diberitahukan sebelumnya.
5. Peserta diperbolehkan membawa sumber data/rujukan yang diperlukan (kamus, buku referensi, koran, majalah, printed materials dll).
6. Peserta tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan alat bantu elektronik apapun pada babak penyisihan. Sedangkan untuk babak final diperbolehkan. 
7. Untuk babak penyisihan, masing-masing tim diberi waktu 10 menit untuk Case building. Sedangkan untuk final, masing-masing tim diberi waktu 15 menit untuk Case Building.
8. Dalam  babak penyisihan dan final; setiap Substantive Speech diberi waktu 7 menit dan Reply Speech 5 menit. 
9. Setiap pembicara Substantive Speech diberikan dispensasi waktu sebanyak 20 detik setelah waktu habis 
10. Tanda waktu berpidato untuk substantive speech adalah 1 ketukan untuk tanda waktu berbicara sudah 1 menit dan 6 menit, dua ketukan untuk waktu 7 menit dan ketukan terus menerus untuk menunjukkan bahwa waktu 7 menit 20 detik
11. POI (Point of Information) atau interupsi hanya diberikan selama tidak lebih dari 15 detik.
12. POI dibuka setelah speaker berbicara selama 1 menit dan ditutup 1 menit sebelum waktu habis.  
13. Keputusan Juri tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
14. Jika terdapat hal-hal yang belum diatur dalam tata tertib umum ini, akan diatur panitia kemudian.

1. THBT the government should no longer subsidise public school education.
2. THW strip off all the wealth of high-profile corruptors, regardless of the actual amount of money they corrupt
3. This house should criminalize all form of high school bullying
4. THW adopt Finland education system
5. THBT dead penalties for narcotics dealer will reduce the narcotics stuff dealing. 
6. THBT governments have a responsibility to regulate the content of information available to their citizen through internet 
7. THW ban beauty pageant in Indonesia 
8. THBT single-sex schools are good for education 
9. THBT governments in the developing world should limit migration to megacities 
10. THW prohibit people criminal records from running for political office 
11. THBT cyberbullying that occurs outside of school, should be punished by the school 
12. TH supports Tiger Parenting 
13. TH regrets the rise of social media as a primary source of news distribution
14. THBT students of Indonesia are not ready for K-13 curriculum 
15. THW stop full-day school program
16. THBT internet and smartphone make people unsociable
17. THBT the internet increases student interest in studying
Government/Affirmative Opposition/Negative

First Speaker: 
1. Give the definition of the motion
2. Outline the team’s case
Present the team line
Present the team split
3. give the limitation
4. Explain the arguments that are the 1stspeaker’s split
4. Give a brief summary/recap of the speech
First  Speaker : 
1. Respond the definition
2. Rebut 1st Government speaker
3. Outline the team’s case:
Present the team line
Present the team split
4. Explain the arguments that are the 1stspeaker’s split
5. Give a brief summary/recap of the speech
Second Speaker: 
1. Rebut the Opposition’s main arguments
2. Briefly restate/reiterate in general the
Government’s team case
3. Explain the arguments that are the 2nd
speaker’s split
4. Give a brief summary/recap of the speech Second Speaker: 
1.Rebut the Government’s main arguments
2.  Briefly restate/reiterate in general the
opposition’s team case
3. Explain the arguments that are the 2ndspeaker’s split
4.Give a brief summary/recap of the speech
Third Speaker: 
1. Rebut Opposition’s arguments, prioritizing the strong/important ones
2.  Rebuild the team’s case
3.  Summarize the issues of the debate
Note :
It is NOT advisable for 3rd Government to bring new arguments Third  Speaker: 
1. Rebut Government’s arguments, prioritizing the strong/important ones
2.  Rebuild the team’s case
3.  Summarize the issues of the debate
Note :
It is NOT advisable for 3rd opposition  to bring new arguments.

Reply (1st or 2nd ) Speaker: 
1.   Provide a summary or overview of the debate
2.   Identify the issues raised by both teams
3. Explain why the government’s case and response are better than the Opposition’s
Note :
Reply speakers are not allowed  to bring new arguments and give rebuttals
Reply (1st or 2nd ) Speaker: 
1.  Provide a summary or overview of the debate
2.  Identify the issues raised by both teams
3. Explain why the opposition’s case and response are better than the Government’s

Note :
Reply speakers are not allowed  to bring new arguments and give rebuttals

  Levels of Performance
Criteria 4 8 12 16 20
1. Matter 
Improvement needed Pass to Satisfactory Good Very Good to Excellent Exceptional
2. Manner Improvement needed Pass to Satisfactory Good Very Good to Excellent Exceptional
2 4 6 8 10
3. Method Improvement needed Pass to Satisfactory Good Very Good to Excellent Exceptional

1. Matter : substance of the debate, the arguments and evidence presented, and the logical reasoning and presentation of said arguments.

2. Manner : the style of delivery,  the persuasion skills,  and the conduct of the debaters.

3. Method : the response to the dynamics of the debate, and the observance of the rules of debate.


Speaker Name Matter
(4-20) Manner
(4-20) Method
(2-10) Time
(max 7 min) Total

Speaker Name Matter
(4-20) Manner
(4-20) Method
(2-10) Time
(max 7 min) Total


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