Debate Competition
1.   Peserta adalah Tim perwakilan  dari masing-masing SMA di wilayah Jabodetabek
2.    tim terbaik di tiap wilayah akan masuk babak final
3.   Pemenang lomba terdiri dari juara I dan II
4.   Setiap tim terdiri dari 3 siswa/siswi atau campuran.
5.   Peserta wajib mengikuti Technical Meeting.
6.   Peserta yang tidak mengikuti technical meeting dianggap telah menyetujui semua keputusan pada saat technical meeting.
7.   Data peserta dapat diserahkan  pada saat pelaksanaan technical meeting.
8.   Peserta yang tidak mengikuti technical meeting dianggap telah menyetujui semua keputusan pada saat technical meeting.
9.   Pada hari perlombaan, peserta/guru pendamping  harus melakukan regitrasi paling lambat 30 menit sebelum lomba dimulai.
10.  Peserta wajib mengikuti ketentuan yang telah ditentukan panitia selama mengikuti lomba.
11.  Setiap peserta wajib saling menghormati dan  menjaga ketertiban serta kebersihan selama acara berlangsung.
12.  Apabila ada pergantian peserta yang sudah terdaftar, maka pihak sekolah harus menghubungi pihak panitia dengan batas waktu technical meeting dilaksanakan.

1.   Panitia menggunakan aturan lomba debate model Australia-Asia
2.   Urutan tampil debate sesuai undian pada saat technical meeting dengan sistem gugur.
3.   Tim Affirmative/Negative ditentukan dengan undian.
4.   Untuk babak penyisihan, motion diberitahukan sebelumnya, sedangkan untuk babak final; motion ditentukan oleh dewan juri atau panitia dan tidak diberitahukan sebelumnya.
5.   Peserta diperbolehkan membawa sumber data/rujukan yang diperlukan (kamus, buku referensi, koran, majalah, printed materials dll).
6.   Peserta tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan alat bantu elektronik apapun pada babak penyisihan. Sedangkan untuk babak final diperbolehkan.
7.   Untuk babak penyisihan, masing-masing tim diberi waktu 10 menit untuk Case buildingSedangkan untuk final, masing-masing tim diberi waktu 15 menit untuk Case Building.
8.   Dalam  babak penyisihan dan final; setiap Substantive Speech diberi waktu 7 menit dan Reply Speech 5 menit.
9.   Tanda waktu berpidato adalah ketukan pertama untuk memulai, dua kali ketukan untuk tanda waktu sudah 1 menit, tiga kali ketukan untuk 1 menit terakhir dan ketukan terus menerus untuk menunjukkan bahwa waktu telah selesai.
10.  POI dibuka setelah speaker berbicara selama 1 menit dan ditutup 1 menit sebelum waktu habis. 
11.  POI (Point of Information) atau interupsi hanya diberikan selama tidak lebih dari 30 detik.
12.  Keputusan Juri tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
13.  Jika terdapat hal-hal yang belum diatur dalam tata tertib umum ini, akan diatur panitia kemudian.

1.   THBT Government should legalize the gay marriage
2.   THW legalize prostitution
3.   This House supports the death penalty
4.   THBT we should stop sending immigrant labors
5.   That this house regrets the cutting of the BBM subsidy
6.   THBT single sex school brings more good than harm
7.   THBT university education should be free
8.   THW put ban on teenage films
9.   THW adopt Finland education system
10. That Governor should be elected by president
11. That Governor should be elected by local representatives (DPR)
12. THBT children should be allowed to own and use mobile phones
13. This house should criminalize all form of high school bullying.
14. THBT direct subsidy is bad for poverty eradication
15. This house supports home schooling
16. This house would legalize gambling
17. The Internet has become more harmful than useful


First Speaker
1.   Give the definition of the motion
2.   Outline the team’s case
·       Present the team line
·       Present the team split
3. give the limitation
4. Explain the arguments that are the 1stspeaker’s split
4. Give a brief summary/recap of the speech

First  Speaker : 
1. Respond the definition
2. Rebut 1st Government speaker
3. Outline the team’s case:
·       Present the team line
·       Present the team split
4.   Explain the arguments that are the 1stspeaker’s split
5.   Give a brief summary/recap of the speech

Second Speaker: 
1.Rebut the Opposition’s main arguments
2. Briefly restate/reiterate in general the
Government’s team case
3.   Explain the arguments that are the 2nd
speaker’s split
4.   Give a brief summary/recap of the speech
Second Speaker: 
1.Rebut the Government’s main arguments
2.  Briefly restate/reiterate in general the
opposition’s team case
3. Explain the arguments that are the 2ndspeaker’s split
4.Give a brief summary/recap of the speech

Third Speaker: 
1. Rebut Opposition’s arguments, prioritizing the strong/important ones
2.  Rebuild the team’s case
3.  Summarize the issues of the debate
Note :
It is NOT advisable for 3rd Government to bring new arguments
Third  Speaker: 
1. Rebut Government’s arguments, prioritizing the strong/important ones
2.  Rebuild the team’s case
3.  Summarize the issues of the debate
Note :
It is NOT advisable for 3rd opposition  to bring new arguments.

Reply (1st or 2nd ) Speaker: 
1.   Provide a summary or overview of the debate
2.   Identify the issues raised by both teams
3.     Explain why the government’s case and response are better than the Opposition’s
Note :
Reply speakers are not allowed  to bring new arguments and give rebuttals

Reply (1st or 2nd ) Speaker: 
1.  Provide a summary or overview of the debate
2.  Identify the issues raised by both teams
3.   Explain why the opposition’s case and response are better than the Government’s

Note :
Reply speakers are not allowed  to bring new arguments and give rebuttals


Levels of Performance
1. Organization and Clarity:
View points and responses are outlined both clearly and orderly.
Unclear in most parts
Clear in some parts but not over all
Most clear and orderly in all parts
Completely clear and orderly presentation
2. Use of Arguments:
reasons are given to support viewpoint.
Few or no relevant reasons given
Some relevant reasons given
Most reasons given: most relevant
Most relevant reasons given in support
3. Use of Examples and Facts:
examples and facts are given to support reasons.
Few or no relevant supporting examples/facts
Some relevant examples/facts given
Many examples/facts given: most relevant
Many relevant supporting examples and facts given
4. Use of Rebuttal:
arguments made by the other teams are responded to and dealt with effectively.
No effective counter-arguments made
Few effective counter-arguments made
Some effective counter-arguments made
Many effective counter-arguments made
5. Presentation Style:
tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are convincing to audience.
Few style features were used; not convincingly
Few style features were used convincingly
All style features were used, most convincingly
All style features were used convincingly


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